Welcome to Microsoft 365!
UT's Information Technology Services (ITS) is excited to offer all students a Microsoft 365 account!
A Microsoft 365 account will give you free access to communication and productivity applications such as the Microsoft Office suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook) in addition to Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Planner and more.
FAQ Section:
What's the Difference Between My UTmail (Google) Account and my Microsoft 365 Microsoft Account?
Microsoft 365 vs. UTmail
There are two email environments available to current students, faculty and staff. Microsoft 365 (powered by Microsoft Exchange) UTmail (powered by Google - You may have up to two UTmail accounts, Business and/or Personal.) Each environment has its own set of applications you'll get access to once you claim a mailbox.
Microsoft 365 and UTmail Features
Microsoft 365 and UTmail Features

Hiding your info in the Directory
Student users of Microsoft 365 apps are not hidden by default. Instead, whether a non-employee student will be visible to other users will be dependent upon the same criteria that hides or shows them in the UT Directory.
Students who do not wish to appear in the UT Directory or Microsoft 365 address lists can restrict access to their directory information by visiting Restrict My Info.
How Do I Login to My Microsoft 365 Mailbox?
Login to Your Mailbox
1. Login to the Office 365 Management Tool with your EID.
- If you do not yet have a mailbox, you will be presented with the Create My Mailbox page.
- If a mailbox has already been created for you, you will see details about your mailbox.
2. Enter your desired display name in the Display name box. Click Update.

3. Enter your desired email address in the Email address field. Click Save.
- If you have entered an email address which is already in use or is invalid, you will be presented with an opportunity to select another address.

4. You can add 1 additional alias and change their primary email address using the Secondary Mail Addresses field. Only the secondary address can be deleted, not the original.

5. After a mailbox has been created, additional steps need to occur for full provisioning. That process may take up to one hour. You will receive an email at the official email address associated with your EID when provisioning has been completed.
What Microsoft 365 Tools and Features Will I Have Access To?
- Access(PC Only)
- Delve
- Excel
- Exchange
- Forms
- OneDrive
- OneNote
- Outlook
- Planner
- Power Apps
- Power Automate / Flow
- Power BI
- Power BI Desktop
- PowerPoint
- Project Online
- Publisher (PC Only)
- School Data Sync
- SharePoint
- Stream
- Sway
- Teams
- To-Do
- Word
- Yammer
Visit the Microsoft 365 Portal to view the applications available to you for download and use.
How Do I Set Up a Forwarding Address If I Don’t Want to Manage This Email?
Email Forwarding Mailbox Settings
- For Microsoft 365 Accounts: Turn off automatic forwarding in Outlook on the web
- For UTmail accounts: Turn off automatic forwarding
Email Forwarding Mailbox Rules
- For Office 365 accounts: Use inbox rules in Outlook on the web ("Delete an inbox rule" section)
- For UTmail accounts: Create rules to filter your emails ("Edit or delete filters" section)
Email Forwarding Rules for Student Employees
The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost require that all UT business be conducted with a UT Business account. Forwarding of Business accounts outside of business environments is prohibited.
- UT Austin has removed all non-UT email addresses from the personal information pages within Workday. Information & Technology Services (ITS) is in the process of inserting your UT Austin email address if you have one. If they have replaced it with the UT Austin email you want to use, no action is required on your part. If you have another UT Austin email address you want to use, you will need to go into Workday and change the listing. The easiest way to see what email address Workday currently has for you is to look yourself up in the UT directory.
- To update your email address in Workday, review this how-to article.
- Current designs send targeted email policy messages to any employee with a Business account forwarded to a Personal account. Emeritus faculty are currently an exception to this rule, unless they have active grants or grant applications.
How Do I Make This Email My Official Email Address With The University?
Change Your Primary Email Account
Since email is an official method of receiving university and course communications, it is important that your email address on file with the university is kept up-to-date.
To set your Microsoft email account (eid@my.utexas.edu) as your official university email address:
- Go to Update of Addresses and Email
(EID required) in UT Direct. Locate the E-mail Address field at the bottom of the form, and type in your email address (e.g. eid@my.utexas.edu).
- Your updated email address will start receiving university email communications within one or two business days.
- Click Save Changes.
- Your updated email address will start receiving university email communications within one or two business days.
How Do I Change My Display Name in Microsoft?
Update Your Display Name
- Go to Manage Chosen Name and update your name using the Name Management System.
- Next, navigate to the Microsoft 365 Management Portal.
- Click Update.
How Does This Affect Student Workers? What about University Business Data and Records Management?
Student Employee Considerations
Exchange is the primary university business email service. Consequently, it has heightened security requirements and safeguards protecting university data. Since these security policies are being applied tenant-wide, student employees may use their @my.utexas.edu mailbox to conduct university business; however, university records created during employment are subject to the same data and records retention requirements and policies applicable to staff and faculty. Supervisors should inform the student employee of exposure to open records requests and departments should have plans to maintain non-transitory university records.
Student employees have options if they prefer to have a separate mailbox for work. More Information is available in our Public Knowledge Base.
For questions about Records Management Requirements please reach out to rims@austin.utexas.edu.
Contact the Service Desk with any additional questions or concerns. Read more about available UT email offerings.
Training Resources:
- Attend a Class - Introduction to M365 - UTLearn Playlist
- UT Austin Application Specific Pages
- LinkedIn Learning
- Consultations and Training Requests
More Questions? Check Out These Additional Resources
Sign in to Microsoft 365
For more detailed instructions for logging into Microsoft 365 apps, view Logging in via a Microsoft prompt.
To log in you will need to use your eid@my.utexas.edu email and the same password you use to log into other UT services.
If you are on the UT campus, you must be on the utexas wifi and not the utguest wifi.
The utexas wifi is not required to access these tools off-campus.
How Long Do I Have Access to Microsoft 365 Services After Graduating?
Microsoft 365 Mailbox (Outlook)
Former students are automatically unlicensed for Microsoft 365 services as soon as they are considered a former student by the EID system. Former student affiliation is evaluated on the 12th class day of the next long semester after graduating.
OneDrive for Business
OneDrive for Business and all files stored therein will be inaccessible once your Microsoft 365 license is removed.