Beginning on July 29, designated campus technical support contacts will be granted access to create Microsoft Teams via the “join or create a team” option in both the desktop and web clients. Microsoft Teams is the hub for teamwork in Office 365, with all of your team chats, files, meetings, and apps living together in a single shared workspace.
Granting this ability to designated campus technical support contacts will allow forself-service teams provisioning and management capabilities that were previously only available to the ITS Office 365 team. This will allow you to expand the support you provide to your college, school or unit. We have also extended this privilege to the UT Service Desk and users can also be instructed to contact them directly for teams creation.
For More Information
Instructions on how to create a team, as well as the different types of teams, are available on the Microsoft web site.
Please send any questions to office365@austin.utexas.edu, which will generate a ServiceNow ticket.